#they just float around in my brain
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timethehobo · 2 months ago
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I can’t help it, he’s just lovely. 😔
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incessantlark · 5 months ago
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honestly, guys, fuck jimmy.
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tearlessrain · 2 months ago
they should make a wheelchair alternative that's just an entire robot horse body that lets you walk around as a cyborg centaur. it would be less convenient in every way except that you could part crowds like moses at the red sea and be taller than everyone and horse kick people who touch you without permission and look cool as fuck.
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kikker-oma · 2 years ago
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zolo-san · 16 days ago
Some thoughts on Law and his image of himself
Law clearly has a lot of conflict around being seen as "good" or a "good guy" I think he want to be a good person, and he actually is, but he doesn't see himself that way, so he has a hard time accepting when people try to suggest that he is good And I think that there are several reasons for that
Law and Survivors Guilt
Law clearly holds a lot of survivors guilt throughout his life and I think it takes a big toll on him When he was younger, not only did he out live his parents and his whole town, but he "failed" to save his little sister as well We see him go out of his way to try to save her specifically, but in the end, he's still not there when she needed him the most The loss of his family also lead him down a path of which he chose to be angry and violent (ooooo we love the stages of grief lol) and take out his feelings of guilt and resentment on others despite being raised by a family of caretakers As a doctor, his father put everything he had into trying to help the people in their town and I think that Law would have looked up to him and wanted to be just like him, but after everything that happened something really broke in him I can't help but think he would feel bad and like he failed again after he moved past the angry violent reaction - just like I think he later felt quite a bit of guilt over stabbing Corazon after the fact Corazon tried everything to save Law and gave everything to him and I think that that too would add to Law's feeling of guilt, especially because it took him so long to realize that he had been too guarded and untrusting to see that Corazon was genuinely trying to help him Once he was able to accept and recognize that, however, Corazon ended up dying shortly after Obviously, Law has a lot of guilt, specifically survivors guilt, surrounding Cora's death Corazon not only risked his life for Law to live, but Law was unable to use his fruit to save him because he didn't know how, then when Law did try to get Corazon help (against Cora's wishes) he managed to "get help" from the wrong person and put Corazon in more danger, leading to his death
Ironically this is not dissimilar to the way his sister died Law had told her to hide while he get help and not only did he not get help, but when he returned, his sister had been killed
I also think that Corazon's confession to Law about being in the navy as he was about to die adds to Law's guilt because he already knew that to be true and I think it hurt him to realize that someone who cared so deeply for him and was literally dying for him still felt bad and was worried he's disappointed him
There's also something to be said about Corazon dying with a smile and the fact that Luffy is also someone who always has a smile on his face, especially when it comes to helping others I think this very much molds the image that Law has of who a "good person" is
Law lived because he knew it was what Corazon wanted for him It was all Law could do for him (I do wonder if there's also some guilt he feels about dedicating the life Cora gave to him to revenge)
Law and Selfishness
I think Law truly sees himself as selfish for many reasons, one being that he was so driven by revenge, and I think he has a tendency to overlook the good that he does because of this
I think he even sees him saving Luffy at Marineford as a selfish act
I think that seeing the efforts that Luffy was going through to save his brother made Law feel that he had failed his sister all over again He would feel that he never tried that hard And I think that it's partly for that reason that he felt compelled to save Luffy
I can't help but feel that Law, without realizing it, was trying to absolve himself of his own "sin" of not saving his sister by saving Luffy I also think the idea of Luffy, after all his efforts failing to save Ace, really broke Law's heart and he couldn't stand the idea of Luffy having to go through something like he did, especially after all the effort Luffy put in
But because of Law's view of himself and his actions as being selfish, I think that Jinbe thanking him for helping Luffy was already too much for him He didn't see his act as selfless or "kind" he saw it as him acting in self interest and I think that's why he tries to present it as such He claims that he essentially saved Luffy because he thought it would be a shame and a waist to let someone with Luffy's potential die then and there, but I think there's so much more to it and I think a lot of it has to do with Law viewing Luffy as an actual good person and something that he's not Law leaves before Luffy can thank him because he doesn't think he deserves thanks
The next we hear of what Law did during the two years that Luffy was training, we hear about his collecting pirates' hearts and becoming a warlord He does this all as part of a plan to exact revenge on Doflamingo and as part of this plan, he leaves his crew behind with no explanation and fully expecting to never see them again (tho he doesn't tell them this) This brings up an interesting fact that even though Law claims he never intended to fight Doflamingo, he also never expected to live through it
I think that Law feels incredibly guilty about leaving his crew behind because he does really care about his crew and I think that lying to them knowing full well he's going on a suicide mission hurts him a lot But I think that despite his choice being fueled by a want to protect his crew, he would feel that it's a selfish choice When he's on Punk Hazard, Law is fully in the throws of pretending to be this other person that he isn't at heart He's trying to be that cold, selfish person he sees himself as, but I don't think he can really do it So I think for this all these reasons, Luffy's mater-of-fact declaration that he is "a good guy" would make Law incredibly uncomfortable I think he sees Luffy as the type of caring, honest, and straight forward person he wishes he could be When he thinks of a good person, he thinks of someone like Luffy - someone like Corazon - who doesn't hesitate to help others at his own risk and would die for his crew and the people he cares about
Luffy obviously shares a lot of traits with Corazon and I don't think that's lost on Law So having someone like that imply that Law is the same as him is something Law can't handle
In addition to this, I think that Luffy's willingness to fight for Law at every turn and his inherent trust in him only adds to Law's feeling of inadequacy next to Luffy And I think that his survivors guilt and the fact that he feels that he's nowhere near as good a person as Luffy are all contributing factors as to why he decides that if Luffy dies fighting for him then he has to die to
I genuinely think that the idea of surviving someone so good like Luffy (and Corazon) again is something that Law cannot handle and cannot allow to happen This is also why I can't help but think that we will see a point where Law attempts to kill himself via his fruit to save Luffy I think Law would rather he die knowing that he insured Luffy's survival than to outlive someone so kind and good Though I think there would be a lot of guilt and conflict here as well I think that whenever we get to this point, it will be abundantly clear to Law that choosing to kill himself for Luffy would also be a selfish act that Luffy would never forgive him for How could he curse Luffy to eternal life knowing that Law died to give it to him?
But regardless of Law's own self image, we see repeated examples of him actually being a good and kind person He has a strong sense of right and wrong and cannot abide injustice, especially the mistreatment of innocent, good people And even if he didn't go about things the best way when he was a kid, this feeling of right and wrong and a need for justice (not in terms of the law but more in terms of karmic, moral justice) was something that was instilled in him at a young age He was taught by his family to care for others in need and to put others before himself And he tries desperately to do so when his town is being erraticated He reaches out to Luffy at Saboady when he sees, in Luffy, the same moral values and the same demand for moral justice and fair treatment of others (something I think is very important to Law given the treatment he faces for his condition as a child) Law then saves Luffy out of compassion for him, whether he's willing to admit that out loud or not He goes out of his way to try to make sure his crew is safe when he goes on his suicide mission to take down Doflamingo and even tries to assure them that everything is fine to ease their concerns When in Dressrosa while he was obviously focused very much on Doflamingo, his plan also helped benefit so many other people in Dressrosa and the world who were suffering because of Doflamingo He also refuses, at every second, to leave Luffy's side and nearly kills himself several times in the process (not to mention taking a beaten and battered Luffy into his care for the second time at his own risk) When they get to Zou, he leaves to get to his crew fairly quickly because he want's to be sure their okay and he accepts their love and happiness at his return with no argument And when Luffy asks him about altering the plan so he can go get Sanji, Law's first thought is of the people of Zou
I think this is partly because he can't stand the injustice of what happened to them, but also because he knows that insuring their saftey is something very important to Bepo since it is his home country and his people (even if he didn't really grow up there)
The people of Zou thank Law for this and he immediately shrugs it off because he doesn't see himself as someone worth thanking (especailly not after he heard of all the good the strawhats did - how could he compare?) Despite it all tho, Law makes room for Luffy - he accommodates Luffy's request because he knows how important it is to him to get Sanji back And again, he does this all selflessly and at his own risk, tho he doesn't see it as such, Law changes his plan to help Luffy and he does so without really any hesitation
There are other examples of Law going out of his way to do good and be a good person despite the image he has of himself (I'm just currently only just finishing up Zou so I haven't gotten there yet, I just know things~)
But in short, Law clearly doesn't see himself as "good," tho he desperately want to be a good person, but regardless of how Law views himself, he is clearly "a good guy"
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zappedbyzabka · 2 months ago
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Poutiest kitten in Key West
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c-rowlesdraws · 7 months ago
sweet pea
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exlimix1a · 7 months ago
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And so it shall be done <3 @luluyamofficial
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ritoryb · 1 year ago
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did god still love you at the end?
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second part of this which was meant to make things a bit clearer. i feel like it came out ok but it just seemed awkward with two. well take both but pretend you only saw the first one.
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krems-chair · 2 months ago
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tomfrogisblue · 8 months ago
some of my fav qsmp running gags:
- "where is *insert islander*?"
- someone has an irl trip or holiday coming up:
"oh no *islander* has suddenly been kidnapped!!!! we have to find them!!!"
- "oh hi non native spanish speaker, what spanish have you learnt so far?"
(very loudly and confidently) "CULERO!!!"
(bonus: roier then running off to cry-laugh in a corner (he definitely taught it to them (and it was probably Jaiden)))
- every time a new language is added to the server, Jaiden collects new nationalities for her introduction (our fav multinational queen :)
- the cucrucho admins making it their life's mission to jumpscare every member of the island individually at some point
- (in lore events)
"oh there's a puzzle" "we gotta get Cellbit!!"
(honourable mention: "damn we gotta get Cellbit's discord to figure this out.")
- ("Language!" warning)
at this point I know how to say dick, motherfucker, fuck you, no fucking way and asshole in 5 languages, sometimes with multiple different ways to say them (this is just how you learn new languages people) (roier was adamant that every new member knew at least no mames, pendejo and culero)
- aypierre, tazercraft and tubbo being watched like hawks by the admins for every lore event becaUSE HOW DID THEY GET IN THERE WHAT THE FU-
- in the same vein, aypierre somehow, someway always managing to get back to the furry club specifically... always the furry club...
- crashing the server.
this is a vague one but there were points when the server would just consistently crash, sometimes multiple times a stream. (due to server maintenance problems, stress on the server during big events, people's potato pcs, telmex etc etc. and sometimes just due to Fitmc and Tubbo. them specifically.)
and just so many times people would be kicked with fucking hilarious timing or just so consistently that it was funny. honourable mention to tallulah's canon asthma and sunny's headaches lmao
even funnier when just one person disconnects. just disappears in front of your eyes. blinks out of existence, eaten by the bad internet gods.
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rileys-battlecats · 6 months ago
my problem is that i love my ocs and want them to be happy. but. i am a tragedy enjoyer at heart
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zolo-san · 20 days ago
heyo ya girl finally finished Dressrosa last night✌️
did not think I was going to come out of that arch a lawlu shipper but here we are folks~
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i-am-just-a-skeleton · 2 months ago
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Turn on the TV, let it drip right down in your eyes
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sukugo · 21 days ago
another consequence of being in my tumblr freak bubble and only ever focusing on what i like is that i simply have no reference to what the "fanon" for a given something is
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affluent-havoc · 6 months ago
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Okay here me out! I've had this idea cooking in my head for a while and it's taking me way too long but I'm finally doing it! Or, well... explaining it hehe! Basically, Makoto's Kirk, Byakuya's McCoy, and Kyoko's Spock. Also, had some other ideas too such as Aoi being Uhura, maybe Chihiro as Chekov though a part of my brain also thought of Komaru being in that role but that's cus I was initially thinking the other supporting cast being the survivors of the first game. The others though are like Taka as Sulu, Toko as Christine Chapel which fuck I did NOT notice the pun there. Also, I had the thought of maaaybe Leon being Scotty but that's mostly because Red hair -> Red shirt. That's it. Though for the guy who didn't last long in the canon, at least he's immune to the red shirt curse by being a main character!! ALSO, Junko as Khan. It's great and the thought of Makoto screaming Junko's name in anguish is too good to pass up! As for some thoughts on the main trio, for Makoto, it's obvious why I made him Kirk. Main man privilege. Also, any of you folks who enjoy the Makoto Harem shenanigans will especially enjoy this cus Kirk is just always around ladies so at least there's that. Not that he'd be Kirking it up. It's still Makoto after all! But still! Meanwhile, for the other two, I feel Byakuya as McCoy and Kyoko as Spock are great fits. Kyoko's known for being kinda cold and seemingly emotionless and having her arc of learning to trust people. I can just SEE the parallels of her and Spock, the balance of the analytical side of the Vulcan and the emotional side of the human. And, while it would be funny to give Byakuya the permanent pointy Spock brows, the guy's too sassy and petty to fully be a Spock. Thus, he's McCoy! He gets to bother the shit outta Kyoko in the bridge too while she dunks on him every time. Some other miscellaneous bits are that yes, Byakuya is hanging out with Toko in the med bay cus I found it funny to have him with her there. Who knows! Maybe Syo's knack with scissors can come in handy in the medical field, just like, minus the murder. Also, yes this means that Makoto is kissing Aoi at some point, that Taka is running around shirtless with a sword cus sci-fi shenanigans and that Makoto and Kyoko get to roll around in the sand as she almost tries to fucking kill him cus Amok Time being amoking and Pon Farr be like that. Also this means Makoto gets his tiddies exposed. That is if the Star Trek canon is heavily followed and all but it's just something to imagine. Plus, typing that just out there is funny to me. Don't think I have the expertise to make this an AU of my own though, probably just make silly drawings. Despite growing up with Star Trek as a kid, I was an idiot that processed none of it, only really remembering the tribbles, Kirk making a billion dramatic speeches I never understood, Spock kinda floating in space with Kirk being worried or something. Aso the movie where Spock fucking died and that other one where he hung out with some whales which is such a goofy way of describing it all. And like, I have NOOO clue what the overlap between a Danganronpa fan and a freaking Star Trek fan is. Like, I'm kinda the case study but also I have no clue at all!
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